Disability issues in the University environment exist in physical, academic and social dimensions. The University has, through the Disability Mainstreaming Unit, outlined strategies to deal with issues of disability to ensure that SEKU becomes an all-inclusive institution.
One of the key objectives of the University is to produce well educated, skilled and competent human capital through its academic programmes, and student welfare activities. A key strategy for realising this objective is the establishment of scholarship funds for disadvantaged students.
The University also aims to attract, develop, motivate and retain qualified and compefenf sfaff and ensure at least 5% representation of persons with disability in the University. To achieve its goals, the Disability Mainstreaming Committee (DMC) spearheads disability related issues as stipulated in the University Statutes and the Disability Mainstreaming Policy. Since its inception in 2015, the DMU has undertaken the following:

  1. Sensitizing staff and students on disability issues
  2. Monitoring and evaluating all disability mainstreaming activities to ensure that SEKU environment is disability friendly
  3. Intensive accessibility audit involving staff from National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD)
  4. Designating parking areas for persons with disabilities
  5. Sensitising those with disabilities on the importance of registration with NCPWD
  6. Introducing of sign language interpretation during graduation ceremonies
  7. Participating in the United Nation's International Day for Persons With Disabilities

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